Saturday, October 23, 2010

Knock, knock.....

Knock knock
who's there?
Walter Who?
Walt to wall carpet!!!

Remember those silly knock knock jokes?
You know the ones you used to find hilarious and maybe still do a tiny bit? 

Well I thought I'd put this one up today as an entre to the guided tour of my house which is now complete with wall to wall carpet.  Murray the carpet layer who is saving for his daughters wedding was more than happy to do this cash job over the long weekend. He was fast , efficient and friendly. What 's more he took all the old carpet off to the dump for me and for that I'm most grateful. 

So have a look and see what he did 

So hows that for the ultimate in recycling?  A whole house of carpet that came from a bank and was off to the tip had it not been for my friend who sent it my way. 

So to go the full circle I also took a load of rubbish to to the dump today and the dump shop came up trumps yet again. Look at my finds all for the outrageous price of $3.

 So to leave you with a wise saying ... waste not want not.

Here's to week of excellent bargains.

cheers Marg


  1. Nice carpet, very nice, but GENUINE CINNAMON OYSTER TINS WITH NO RUST AND NO DENTS FOR THREE DOLLARS!? I'm shouting because I'm so impressed.

    Knock knock,
    Who's there?
    Police who?
    Police stop telling these silly knock knock jokes.

    Ahhh you can't beat the old knock knocks now can you.

  2. This reminds me of a long drive to Christchurch where the full five hours was spent telling knock knock jokes... or was it fatty and skinny jokes? Probably both. Very nice carpet! Its cool to see home, I think this is the longest Ive not come back for!

  3. Good scores Marg - how proud would Dad be? I bet that's going to keep your toes super snuggly during the long cold wet winters (and summers).

  4. Oooh Margaret...I hope you make lots of cinnamon oysters and send them our way. They are so DEVINE!!!! Glenda

  5. Those tins were a steal. It's a long time since I've had anything that good from the dumpster. Carpet looks marvellous too. Those tins make great little sponges for lamingtons with curves. Actually you did the best thing of all; you dropped off a load of stuff before you acquired anything.
